How to Encourage Good Behaviour in Kids

Children learn good behaviour when their parents guide them. When the guidance is positive and consistent, kids learn good habits. 

Below are some of our favourite tips for encouraging good behaviour in kids.

Praise the good behaviour

Give your child positive feedback when they behave well. It’s not all about teaching consequences when they do something wrong. 

Lead by example 

Show what good behaviour looks like. Kids watch how you act and the choices you make during certain situations. Show them the way you’d like them to act and lead by example.  

Show emotions

Let your child know how their actions affect you or others. Talking to them about what you feel or what the person affected feels lets them understand things from another perspective rather than their own.

Listen attentively 

Make sure to physically get down to your child’s level and nod as you listen to them. Acknowledge their feelings, ask questions and make them feel respected. This can help your child cope with such emotions as frustration or anger, which can lead to negative behaviour. 

Create a safe environment 

When your child’s environment is safe (both physically and emotionally), they have the space to learn the good behaviour you teach them. Take away things that can be easily broken from your child’s reach to eliminate possible mistakes. Be kind and create a loving environment where your kids feel safe expressing themselves and learning what they should or should not do.   

Let natural consequences teach them 

Give your kids responsibilities suitable to their age and explain possible consequences. That is the best way to learn natural consequences for kids. For example, when your child is responsible for taking their sports gear to school but forgets, they will realise they will miss participating in the game. Let the natural consequence teach your child a lesson.   


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Iron and Kids