Dr Clarke has helped to pioneer the field of Holistic Paediatrics and holds licenses and doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine and Chinese Medicine (including Acupuncture and Herbology). He was born in New Zealand and moved to America in 1984 to study medicine.
Dr Clarke opened his medical clinic in 1988 with a general practice utilising acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and homoeopathy. Mothers and fathers who experienced restored and robust good health after treatment began bringing their infants and children to him for treatment.With the same measure of benefits and success working with children, Dr Clarke's reputation continued to grow within the community.
Local MD paediatricians began referring their patients to him when they were unable to help with the standard pharmaceutical approaches.He continued to focus his experience, treatments and quest for knowledge on what causes ill health in children and how to treat and heal in the safest, most effective manner. In 1997 Dr Clarke started to develop his range for his patients as he was not happy with the quality of the vitamins & minerals available on the market.
In 2000 he founded the company ChildLife Essentials, formulating and manufacturing the first complete line of nutritional supplements exclusively for infants and children.