Vitamin C and Its Benefits for Kids

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is very well known for its immune-boosting benefits.

It is undoubtedly the first go-to vitamin when we fight a cold. We’ve all loaded up on it when feeling under the weather at some stage in our lives. Naturally, you can find this vitamin in citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, kiwis, berries and broccoli. Many people also use additional supplements to help increase their Vitamin C intake.

​But what else is Vitamin C good for?

​Below we list the great properties this vitamin has:

● Nourishes our body tissues like muscle, cartilage and blood vessels.
● Helps the formation of collagen in our skin.
● Supports our nervous system and important neurotransmitters, which aid in
transporting signals around.
● Increases energy levels.
● Provides overall support to our body to function well.

Unfortunately, our bodies cannot produce Vitamin C, so it must come from our diet or supplements. Some children also experience vitamin C deficiency, which is rare and usually associated with a very poor diet or severe intestinal malabsorption.

You might be surprised to know, but there still isn’t enough firm evidence that Vitamin C helps during rheumatological illnesses. In fact, many researchers still debate about it. Some say it may reduce the duration of the common cold, and others say that your body may recover during the same period of time without taking it. While this remains somewhat of a scientific mystery, many certainly consider it the number one Vitamin to help fight the common cold.


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