Probiotics with Colostrum (Powder)

Natural Orange / Pineapple Flavour

50g powder

Ongoing Maintenance and Support

Extra Immune Support

Probiotics (the "friendly" bacteria) are the good bacteria usually present in the intestinal system and are essential to maintain a healthy digestive and immune system. Probiotics help metabolise and absorb vitamins & minerals as well as supporting the immune response and the gut flora.

Colostrum is nature's first food for every newborn's immune system. Colostrum is a unique food that provides the immune system with the information and the equipment of how to function well and how to function better. This means that over time, Colostrum has the ability to not only support the immune system response in the short term but also support the overall immune function for the future.

Dr Clarke and Childlife introduced this unique, patented formula of Probiotics with Colostrum many years ago, which has proven itself as one of the best immune and digestive support supplements available. 

Why Children Need It?

Depending on a child's overall health and immune system susceptibility, this can be given to them for extra immune support and strengthening.

ChildLife Probiotics with Colostrum provides nature's ultimate formula for enhancing a child's health, vitality, immune and digestive strength, and is the only product that combines:

  • Probiotics: bifido and acidophilus species of probiotics for optimum intestinal health

  • Prebiotics: to support the growth of Probiotics to maintain healthy digestion and immune functions

  • Colostrum: to provide a full spectrum of antibodies and immune factors.

  • ChildLife uses the finest bovine Colostrum and only from the first and second milkings after calving, which are the richest in immunoglobulins, growth factors, protein and peptides.

How To Take:

6 months - 1 year: Quarter teaspoon daily.
1+ years: Half teaspoon daily.

Best to take on empty stomach, first thing in the morning. For babies, can be added in baby formula. For children, easy to mix in a smoothie/yoghurt  or sprinkle over your child's cereals /porridge or straight in the mouth. It can be given to infants from 6 months, continuing throughout the teenage years.



“My poor wee boy has had many courses of antibiotics over the past 6 months due to an ongoing health issue & his tummy hasn’t been very settled as a result. I was also aware that his good gut bacteria was very minimal. His tummy seems more settled & it could be a coincidence, but we’ve managed a whole five weeks without antibiotics which is massive for us, it’s usually only two or three weeks.” - Pele, Gisborne

“I mixed it in with my daughter night time bottle and she had no issues taking it, it mixed well with the formula. She did get slightly constipated at the start but resolved itself after a few days. I got sick and she didn’t which was great.” - Karleen, Lower Hutt

“I love this. Finally a probiotic that my son will actually take. I mixed it in his juice and he didn’t notice any difference. A few days after starting this product, I noticed a few things, my son's constipation cleared up, his baby acne disappeared and he was eating more (normally a very fussy eater).” - Rebecca, Pokeno

“My 3 kids had it mixed in with their yoghurt and muesli, in a smoothie, and also on their porridge and ate it with no problems. They didn’t notice any difference in taste and said everything was “yum”. Their snotty noses and lingering coughs have now cleared up, though I can’t be sure if this was because of the probiotics or that the bugs had finally run their course. I can definitely say that my kids have been more “regular” toilet-wise, and there have been no sore tummies since taking the powder. The strong taste may be off-putting for some kids, but being a powder it is very versatile to work out different ways of serving it.” - Katherine, Papamoa

“​My daughter happily took it mixed in her yoghurt and she enjoyed the taste! Such a relief as I have found other hard to disguise. I did find it difficult to mix through milk but it was fine in yoghurt.” - Amanda, Christchurch

“My daughter is quite fussy. I mixed this probiotics powder in with her milk and she loved it. She thought it was flavoured milk  She is normally quite snotty but I have found since taking this once a day in her milk she is not as snotty and is sleeping better at night.” - Shona, Wellington

“I will admit I was a bit worried how my boys would take this being a powder but I mixed it in with the milk in their cereal or into their yoghurt and neither has had any issues, my 4 year old has had a few issues with constipation but this has definitely helped!” - Sarah, Invercargill

“I have to be honest and say I have struggled with this probiotics powder. Because of the flavour I found it hard to hide it in foods for my 4 year old and it wasn't the best at dissolving in my sons drink. However once we overcame those issues I did see some improvement with his digestive system – less wind and better stools.  He was on antibiotics during the time as well and I feel it helped kept his digestive track healthy for the duration. I will keep on giving it to my sons and hopefully as we go on it more benefits will emerge.” - Tammy, Auckland

”Our son had it sprinkled on his breakfast with no issues at all. Our almost 2 year old daughter turned her nose up to it sprinkled on her breakfast so I decided to mix hers in with her yoghurt. They both seem to have responded really well to the product, both a lot more regular which is good for their digestive systems.” - Hollie, Whanganui

“Mr 7 year old was pleasantly surprised with the taste of this when we added it to his daily berry smoothie. He usually doesn’t like the taste of pineapple, but he couldn’t even taste it in this.” - Trudy, Auckland

”I found the product really good helping the kids with recovery from colds they both had. It seemed to speed the process up. It was a bit hard to disguise in water or milk, but we managed to get them to try it by adding it to their see this. I’ve seen from other reviews that others have mixed into yoghurt so we will try this as it seems to be a great product.” - Jaimee, Papamoa

“My girls came home with a nasty gastro virus. With their daily dose which I mixed into their sippy cups or added to their porridge, they recovered so quickly! I found this product was best when I added it to a smoothie or their porridge, even their yogurts! My eldest especially loved the taste which is a bonus when trying to get the little ones to take probiotics! I was so impressed how quickly their bodies fought the virus with the added benefit of taking this colostrum/probiotics!  I wholeheartedly recommend trying this product” - Samantha, Taupo

“I was pleasantly surprised with this. My 2yo knows when something is secretly added to food/drink but this time nothing was said! Finally after a year of one tummy bug after another I've found something that tastes good and will help. Definitely recommend.” - Jess, Christchurch

“I have 5 and 3 years old sons. They haven’t fell in sick since they had this. My 5 year old likes toasts for breakfast and so I mix it with spreads which dissolve well.” - Tomo, Auckland

“My little boy absolutely loves the flavour, he asks to have it each day, tried it mixed in foods and drinks but he will take it happily off a spoon mixed with a little water. I got the flu that would not disappear, unsure if it was this but somehow my little boy did not even get a snuffle and has been incredibly healthy even with all the bugs going around. He has not started getting eczema which he normally would at this time of year. I find it to be amazing.” - Sheena, Pokeno

“It really helped my kid with his poo trouble and he was so excited to try it but i found it didn’t mix well with water…need to sprinkle it on yogurt or mixed it with smoothie but overall am happy with it.” - Hania, Wellington

“First I was skeptical if my lil ones would try it, but once I gave it to them they absolutely loved the pineapple taste. They loved it in yogurt, milk, juice or just on a spoon . Can definitely see a change in wellbeing. Less tummy issues and overall very happy!” - Michelle, Ashburton

“My little 4yr old LOVES this, she eats it off the spoon, I’ll try mixing it with yoghurt I think next time so she gets both goodness, I have never thought that colostrum would be so beneficial for older children!! It helps keep bugs away.” - Sarah, Kaiapoi

“My 8-year old daughter had trouble with her bowels lately. She has been putting it in juice everyday for 8 days and she is going to the toilet a lot more regular and not getting the aches and pains she was before. She said this also makes her feel good throughout the day. For my son I’ve been a bit sneaky putting it in his Milo in the morning. He hasn’t noticed coz he thrives for that morning Milo. He is going regularly also. My kids, well the one who knows she’s having it, she gives it 10/10 for taste and being easy to mix up in juice. And I’m sure my son would give the same score if he knew as it’s very beneficial for him. He’s also very very fussy so it’s great as a support also.” - Shontelle, Timaru

“Oh my! What a fantastic product! It was so easy to use for both my kids I have been sprinkling on top of their breakfast cereal and not once did they notice anything different – that’s a big win for me as a mum. 10/10 for our family!” - Michelle, Auckland

“My child’s been having it for the past 7 days. I’ve been putting half a tsp of the powder in a glass of water or milk in the evenings after she has her dinner. I’ve been mixing the powder into her drink well (with my mini-whisk) before serving it to her.  Miss 8 said after her very first sip: ‘yum, it tastes like pineapple!’, which she then told me was one of her favourite fruits! So the natural orange-pineapple flavour definitely gets the thumbs up from her and, believe me, that is no mean feat in my daughter’s case as she is one of the fussiest kids I know! As for Miss 8, she does have a little IBS and ‘poo troubles’ from time to time, so I’ve been keeping a close eye out for any changes in her toileting routine since she’s been taking this product. Without going into too much detail, she seems to have been a lot more ‘regular’ over the past week, so that’s been a noticeable benefit so far!” - Dana, Gisborne

These are some of the testimonials provided by kiwi mums from Kidspot Trial